What Commitment

An 11-year-old school friend of Emily’s was so touched by the hardship existing in Zimbabwe that she started to collect money for food. The girl asked for money for her birthday, saved some of her pocket money and raised money

Food Distribution Resumes

In the Chidzikwe region, another food distribution campaign will be launched in November. Alington Matsilele must submit applications to the relevant authorities. The administrative hurdles should not be underestimated. Food will also be distributed in the outskirts of Harare. Every

The lockdown is still on!

    Cases of Covid-19 have risen slightly to around 300 (officially). Thus, the lockdown remains. Schools are still closed. But the queues at petrol stations and grocery stores are getting longer every day. Buying gasoline is a gamble. Trading

Lebensmittelpakete für Simbabwe

    Herzlichen Dank allen Spenderinnen und Spendern!      26.06.2020 Nachdem in Harare und Umland Masvingo insgesamt 2400 Lebensmittelpakete verteilt wurden, ist jetzt eine kleine Pause eingelegt worden. Derzeit ist Winter in Simbabwe, der leider dieses Jahr ausgesprochen kalt